Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Holidays

To my wonderful family,
Well this week was full of holidays here.  On tuesday consolacion had their huge fiesta, so all of consolacion was involved.  Mostly fiesta are just a lot of eating and drinking, and candles.  Then there was halloween, there were trick-or-treators in the area that I was teach our last lesson, because it is a richer area.  Its really cute, the say happy halloween, trick-or-treat in a really cute accent, I love filippino accents. Then Nov. 1 and Nov. 2 were all souls day and all saints day.  Which involves a lot of people going to cemeteries and getting drunk as well haha.  But it also means everyone is busy which is really unfortunate for missionaries.  So some days were harder to work then others, but I am telling you it was quite the party here haha.
Well updates on analyn, on tuesday we had a really good lesson and she commited to baptism, the on friday we found out she is moving to manila on november 18 and she isn't sure if she wants to get baptized before she is moving.  So no one really knows what is going on, but I guess I will just have to leave you on a cliff-hanger and you will have to wait for next week....
As for me, i got sick this week, but I feel fine now.  I just literally have no voice haha.  It was funny we were singing a hymn for companionship study and sometimes literally no sound came out, so I just had sister mccurdy sing by herself, and I laugh.  But hopefully my voice comes back eventually haha.
I love you all so much!  I hope that you all are happy and enjoying life! Love you,
Sister Hancock

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